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בנקים מרכזיים עולמיים

חיפוש בנק מרכזי

ארץ הרישום:

  שם שער אחרון מדינה
הבנק המדינה של פקיסטן (SBP)

The State Bank of Pakistan is the central bank of Pakistan. While its constitution, as originally laid down in the State Bank of Pakistan Order 1948, remained basically...

7.5%  פקיסטן
הבנק המרכזי של פרגוואי (BCP)

The Central Bank of Paraguay is Paraguay's highest monetary authority, and the country's governing body in finances and economics. Its headquarters are in Asunción. The...

0.75%  פרגואי
הבנק המרכזי של פרו (BCRP)

The Central Reserve Bank of Peru is the Peruvian central bank. It mints and issues metal and paper nuevos soles currency. The Constitution states that the purpose of...

6%  פרו
הבנק המרכזי של צ'ילה

The Central Bank of Chile was created by decree law No. 486, 21 August 1925, under the government of President Arturo Alessandri Palma. This initiative arose as one of...

0.75%  צ'ילה
הבנק המרכזי של צרפת

The Banque de France is the central bank of France; it is linked to the European Central Bank (ECB). Its main charge is to implement the interest rate policy of the...

0%  צרפת
הבנק המרכזי של קובה (BCC)

The creation of Banco Central de Cuba (BCC), as disposed by the Council of State by means of Decree-Law No. 172, of May 28, 1997, provided the country with an...

0%  קובה
הבנק של הרפובליקה (קולומביה)

The Bank of the Republic is the central bank of the Republic of Colombia. Its main functions are detailed by the Congress according to the Ley 31 de 1992. One of them is...

4.25%  קולומביה
הבנק המרכזי של קונגו

The Central Bank of the Congo is the central bank of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The bank's main offices are on Boulevard Colonel Tshatshi in La Gombe in...

14%  קונגו
הבנק המרכזי של קוסטה ריקה

The Central Bank of Costa Rica is in charge of establishing banking policy. It is then up to the SUGEF (the General Supervisory Agency of Finance) to enforce compliance...

0%  קוסטה ריקה
הבנק הלאומי של קזחסטן

The National Bank represents, within the limits of its authority, the interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the relations with the central banks, with banks of other...

9.25%  קזחסטן
הרשמה עם גוגל
הרשמה עם כתובת דוא"ל