מבזקי חדשות
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🙌 הוא כאן: סורק המניות היחיד שתצטרכו אי פעם צללו פנימה

הבנק המרכזי של ברזיל

מידע נוסף

Brazilian Central Bank is Brazil's highest monetary authority in, and the country's governing body in, finance and economics. It was established on December 31, 1964. The Central Bank is linked with the Ministry of Finance. Like other central banks, the Brazilian central bank is the principal monetary authority of the country. It received this authority when it was founded by three different institutions: the Bureau of Currency and Credit (SUMOC), the Bank of Brasil (BB), and the National Treasury. One of the arms of Brazil's monetary policy is the Banco Central do Brasil's SELIC rate.

יושב הראש: Roberto Campos Neto

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