מבזקי חדשות
קבלו 60% הנחה 0
🤑 הכי חסכוני שיש. קבלו 60% הנחה במבצע לבלאק פריידי לפני שייעלם….
למימוש המבצע

(GMLVX) GuideMark® Emerging Markets Fund Service Shares

יצירת התראה
יצירת התראה
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  • לשימוש בתכונה זו, ודאו שאתם מחוברים לחשבונכם
אפליקציה לנייד
  • לשימוש בתכונה זו, ודאו שאתם מחוברים לחשבונכם
  • ודאו שאתם מחוברים דרך אותו פרופיל משתמש



חד פעמי



אופן יידוע


הוסף ל/הסר מתיק ההשקעות הוסף לרשימת מעקב
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פתח פוזיציה

הפוזיציה נוספה בהצלחה אל:

נא תנו שם לתיק ההחזקות שלכם
11.58 -0.06    -0.47%
26/11 - מידע המוצג בעיכוב. מטבע USD
סוג:  קרן
מנפיק:  GuideMark
נכס בסיס:  MSCI EM Net USD
סוג הנכס:  ני"ע
  • דירוג Morningstar:
  • סך נכסים: 47.36M
GuideMark Emerging Markets Service 11.58 -0.06 -0.47%

GMLVX - סקירה

בדף זה תמצאו מבט עומק על פרופיל חברת GuideMark® Emerging Markets Fund Service Shares. קבלו מידע על המנהלים הבכירים, סך הנכסים, אסטרטגיית ההשקעות ופרטי ההתקשרות של GMLVX – וכן מידע נוסף.

Diversified Emerging Mkts

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פרטי התקשרות

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אינטרנט www.AssetMark.com

מנהלים בכירים

שם כותרת משנת עד שנת
Andrew Alford Managing Director 2023 עכשיו
ביוגרפיה Andrew is a managing director in Quantitative Investment Strategies (QIS) within Goldman Sachs Asset Management, serving as co-head of equity research. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1998 on the QIS equity alpha research team and became head of equity alpha research in 2000. Andrew became a senior portfolio manager in 2005, and joined the Quantitative Equity Solutions team in 2011 as head of research. He became head of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) research in 2019, and assumed his current role in 2022. Andrew was named managing director in 2004.
Karhan E. Akcoglu Vice President 2021 עכשיו
ביוגרפיה Mr. Akcoglu is head of portfolio management for the ActiveBeta Equity Strategies business within Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s Rules-Based Factor Investing Strategies platform. He is responsible for portfolio management, including portfolio construction and risk management of global developed and emerging market equity portfolios and custom indexes. Mr. Akcoglu has held a variety of roles within the Global Markets Division and more recently within Goldman Sachs Asset Management, focused on the development of mathematical and analytical tools across a variety of factor-based strategies. Immediately prior to joining the ActiveBeta team, Mr. Akcoglu served as Head of Strats for the ActiveBeta, Alternative Investment Strategies, and Macro Alpha businesses within Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s Quantitative Investment Strategies platform, where he oversaw the development of quantitative analytical tools driving portfolio construction and risk management of long-only and long-short factor-based portfolios investing in global equities, commodities, currencies, and fixed-income instruments. Prior to joining Goldman Sachs Asset Management in 2018, Mr. Akcoglu was head of Trading Strats for the macro Systematic Trading Strategies (STS) business within the Global Markets Division of Goldman Sachs, where he oversaw the development and risk management of rules-based index products for factor exposures across currencies, commodities, and fixed income, a role he held since 2011 initially based out of London and subsequently New York. Prior to this, Mr. Akcoglu oversaw the development of the analytics underpinning the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (GSCI) and developed customized, enhanced commodity index products for exposure to commodity market factor dynamics in long-only and beta-neutral long-short formats. In this capacity, Mr. Akcoglu has previously served on the S&P GSCI Index Advisory Panel. Mr. Akcoglu originally joined Goldman Sachs in 2002 upon earning a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Yale University and an Hon.B.Sc. in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Toronto.
Khalid (Kal) Ghayur Head 2015 2023
ביוגרפיה Mr. Ghayur is the head of the Beta Equity Strategies business with GSAM’s Advanced Beta Strategies Platform, overseeing the team’s customized, factor-based equity portfolios. With over 29 years of industry experience, Mr. Ghayur joined GSAM as a Managing Director upon GSAM’s acquisition of Westpeak Global Advisors (“Westpeak”) in June 2014. Prior to joining GSAM, Mr. Ghayur was the Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer of Westpeak, a pioneer in the smart beta space with their patented ActiveBeta investment methodology. Prior to joining Westpeak in 2007, Mr. Ghayur was the Director of Research Policy at MSCI in New York, where he was a member of its Global Executive Committee and Chairman of the MSCI Index Policy Committee. In that capacity, Mr. Ghayur was responsible for MSCI’s global markets and benchmarking research and new product development. From 1994 to 2000, Mr. Ghayur was Global Head of Quantitative Research and Strategy for HSBC Asset Management in London, where he was responsible for the development and application of strategic and tactical asset allocation, fixed income modeling, stock selection techniques, portfolio construction and analysis, and risk management. From 1992 to 1994, Mr. Ghayur was a Senior Quantitative Analyst at Credit Lyonnais Asset Management in Paris, and from 1987 to 1991, he held the position of Portfolio Manager at Union National Bank in Abu Dhabi, where he was responsible for managing the bank’s UK and US investment portfolios. Mr. Ghayur has served on the Board of Governors of the CFA Institute, the Board’s Nominating Committee, and as Chairman of the Board’s External Relations and Volunteer Involvement Committee. He is a former trustee of the CFA Institute Research Foundation. Mr. Ghayur was a member of the Editorial Board of Financial Analysts Journal and was founding President of the UK Society of Investment Professionals. Mr. Ghayur received an MBA in Finance and International Business from the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris, and an MA and BA in Economics from the University of Karachi. He is a CFA charterholder, a member of the CFA Institute, and a Fellow of the Society of Investment Professionals (“FSIP”). He is also a Diplomaed Associate of the Institute of Bankers Pakistan.
Ronan G. Heaney Vice President 2015 2023
ביוגרפיה Mr. Heaney is the head of research for the ActiveBeta Equity Strategies business with GSAM’s Advanced Beta Strategies Platform. He is responsible for investment research activities, including improving quantitative investment models and portfolio construction methodologies and identifying and testing new model components and implementation of techniques. Mr. Heaney joined GSAM following GSAM’s acquisition of Wetpeak in June 2014. Prior to joining GSAM, Mr. Heaney was the Director of Research for Westpeak, pioneering Westpeak’s patent Methods and Systems for Building and Managing Portfolios based on Ordinal Ranks of Securities. Prior to joining Westpeak in 1998, Mr. Heaney was employed by Multum Information Services in Denver, Colorado, as a Software Architect. From 1992 to 1996, he held the position of Senior Software Developer at Swiss Bank Corporation in Chicago. Mr. Heaney received an M.S. in Computer Science from Purdue University, where he was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship, and a B.S. in Applied Physics from Dublin University, Ireland.
Stephen C. Platt Vice President 2015 2021
ביוגרפיה Mr. Platt is a senior portfolio manager for the ActiveBeta Equity Strategies business within GSAM’s Smart Beta Strategies Platform. He is responsible for portfolio management, including portfolio construction and risk management of global developed and emerging market equity portfolios and custom indexes. Mr. Platt Joined GSAM following GSAM’s acquisition of Westpeak Global Advisors in June 2014.Prior to joining Goldman Sachs,Mr. Platt directs Westpeak’s day-to-day portfolio management activities, manages the portfolio construction process for client accounts across various strategies, and participates in Westpeak’s ongoing investment research activities. He is a member of both Westpeak’s Investment Process Committee and Investment Committee, and is Chairman of the Investment Implementation Committee. Prior to joining Westpeak in 1999, Mr. Platt was Senior Vice President of Cordillera Asset Management, in Denver, Colorado. While at Cordillera, his responsibilities included portfolio management, research, and marketing. He co-developed and implemented the quantitative investment process, and was responsible for performance attribution analysis and backtesting. He also gained experience in trading technology. From 1990 to 1992, he worked as a Senior Research/Marketing Associate at Vogelzang & Associates, in Denver. Mr. Platt received a B.S. in Finance from the University of Colorado and is a CFA charterholder. He is a member of the CFA Institute and the Denver Society of Security Analysts.
Michael B. Nayfa Director 2014 2015
ביוגרפיה Mr. Nayfa joined Barrow Hanley in 2008. His experience includes work as an analyst at HBK and institutional equity sales at Natexis Bleichroeder. Mr. Nayfa began his career in institutional sales at Sidoti & Company, LLC.  He holds an MBA from the University of Texas, as well as a BBA in Finance from Texas Christian University, and is a CFA charterholder.
Terry L. Pelzel Director 2014 2015
ביוגרפיה Mr. Pelzel has been a Portfolio Manager for this strategy since 2014 and was an Equity Analyst from 2010 to 2014. He continues to serve as an Equity Analyst on other strategies. Before joining Barrow Hanley in 2010, he served as a senior portfolio analyst for Highland Capital Management, LP
Mark Giambrone Senior Managing Director, Equity Portfolio Manager/Analyst 2011 2015
ביוגרפיה Mr. Giambrone joined Barrow Hanley in 1999. Prior to joining Barrow Hanley, Mr. Giambrone served as a portfolio consultant at HOLT Value Associates. During his career, he has also served as a senior auditor/tax specialist for KPMG Peat Marwick and Ernst & Young Kenneth Leventhal. Mr. Giambrone graduated summa cum laude from Indiana University with a BS in Business and received an MBA from the University of Chicago
Thomas W Oliver Portfolio Manager 2009 2011
ביוגרפיה Thomas Oliver is a managing director and senior portfolio manager/analyst at NFJ Investment Group. He serves as a co-lead portfolio manager of the NFJ Dividend Value, NFJ Large Cap Value and NFJ All Cap Value strategies. Prior to joining NFJ in 2005, Mr. Oliver was a manager of corporate reporting at Perot Systems and an auditor at Deloitte & Touche. Mr. Oliver earned a B.B.A. and an M.B.A. from the University of Texas. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) charterholder and has his Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation. He began his career in the investment industry in 1995.
Chuck S. Bath Managing Director 2009 2011
ביוגרפיה Chuck serves as Assistant Portfolio Manager for Diamond Hill Capital Management and joined the firm in 2002. Prior to joining Diamond Hill, Chuck was a Portfolio Manager and an Analyst with Nationwide Insurance and affiliates from 1982 to 2002, where he managed the Nationwide Fund. From 1979 to 1980, Chuck was an Internal Auditor at USAA. He also was an Auditor at Ernst & Whinney from 1977 to 1979. Chuck has a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Miami University and a Master of Business Administration from The Ohio State University.
הנחיות לכתיבת תגובות

אנו מעודדים אתכם להגיב ובכך לתקשר עם גולשים נוספים באתר. תוכלו להביע את דעתכם ולשאול שאלות את הכותבים באתר וגם זה את זה. עם זאת, כדי לשמור על רמה וערכי שיחה גבוהים, אנא שימוש לב להנחיות הבאות:

·         השתדלו להעשיר את השיח והדיונים באתר.

·         הישארו בנושא הרלוונטי לדיון. פרסמו אך ורק חומרים רלוונטיים לנושא המדובר.

·         שימרו על כבודכם וכבוד האחר. גם תגובות נגדיות ושליליות יכולות להיות מנוסחות באופן חיובי ובלתי פוגעני.

·         הקפידו על סגנון כתיבה סטנדרטי ועל סימני פיסוק.

·         הערה: אנו נסיר תגובות פרסומיות ו/או הודעות "זבל" (ספאם) ו/או קישורים בתגובות.

·         הימנעו מקללות, נאצות, גידופים והתקפות אישיות המכוונות לכותבים שלנו ו/או למשתמשים אחרים.

·         רק הערות בעברית מותרות.



מפיצי הודעות "זבל" (ספאם) או עושי שימוש לרעה בתגובות יימחקו מהרישום לאתר ותימנע מהם הרשמה מחדש, בהתאם לשיקול הדעת של Investing.com.


תגובות לGMLVX

כתבו דעתכם על GuideMark® Emerging Markets Fund Service Shares
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פרסמו גם ב:
האם להחליף את התרשים המצורף עם תרשים חדש?
בשל דיווחים שליליים מצד משתמשים אחרים, אינכם רשאים לכתוב תגובות בשלב זה. הסטטוס שלכם יבחן ע“י מנהלי המערכת שלנו.
אנא המתינו דקה בטרם תנסו להגיב שוב.
תודה על התגובה ששלחת. לידיעתך, התגובה תפורסם בכפוף לאישור מנהלי האתר, ולפיכך ייתכן שייקח זמן-מה עד שהתגובה תופיע באתר.
האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה למחוק את הגרף?
האם להחליף את התרשים המצורף עם תרשים חדש?
בשל דיווחים שליליים מצד משתמשים אחרים, אינכם רשאים לכתוב תגובות בשלב זה. הסטטוס שלכם יבחן ע“י מנהלי המערכת שלנו.
אנא המתינו דקה בטרם תנסו להגיב שוב.
הוסף גרף לתגובה
אשרו חסימה

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המשתמש %USER_NAME% התווסף בהצלחה אל רשימת החסומים

מכיוון שזה עתה בטלתם את חסימת משתמש זה, עליכם להמתין 48 שעות בטרם תוכלו לחדש את החסימה.

דווח/י על תגובה זו

לתחושתי, תגובה זו הנה:

התגובה סומנה

תודה רבה

הדיווח שלך נשלח למנהלי הפורום שלנו לבחינה
המשיכו עם אפל
הרשמה עם גוגל
הרשמה עם כתובת דוא"ל