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We've identified the following companies as similar to DLC Holdings Corp because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.
Name | Ticker | Average Daily Dollar Volume (3m) |
DLC Holdings Corp | TSXV:DLC | NM |
Financials | SECTOR:FIN.CA | 210 K |
Medbright AI Investments Inc | CNSX:MBAI | NM |
Buzz Capital 2 Inc | TSXV:BUZH.P | NM |
Florence One Capital Inc | TSXV:FONC.P | NM |
Mandeville Ventures Inc | TSXV:MAND.P | NM |
Atlas One Capital Corp | TSXV:ACAP.P | NM |
Chicane Capital I Corp | TSXV:CCIC.P | NM |
Raging Rhino Capital Corp | TSXV:RRCC.P | NM |
Sol Strategies Inc | CNSX:HODL | NM |
Apolo IV Acquisition Corp | TSXV:AIV.P | NM |
J4 Ventures Inc | TSXV:JJJJ.P | NM |
To view the full list of supported financial metrics please see Complete Metrics Listing.
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